34: Databases and Digital Newbies
In this episode of the Software People Stories, Visweswaran SK (also known as Viswes) and Sivaguru from PM Power Consulting uncover fascinating software experiences from Viswes around - How he started software development using punch cards Writing utilities for spooling printouts Exposure to database systems while working on a commercial application Developing a database system on SN computers Hackathon like approach for the dev team Learning to work within 256 kB! DECUS-C compiler: a community contribution : Knowing that the code one wrote was being used after 10 years! His personal style of programming: from working within limited computing resources Testing when you have control over all pieces of code environment and when you do not Of chief programmer teams versus Agile ways of working Implications of Big Data on database thinking Is there a need for some standards for data interchange Technology that needs to adapt to senior citizens Here's also an introduction from our guest, in his own words - My name is Visweswaran S.K . I am a graduate of IISc Bangalore and a post graduate from IIT Madras, I have been in the software industry since mid 70’s. During my active life in software industry, my key interest was in DBMS related technologies. I had the opportunity to actively work in not one but two full fledged Data Base Management systems. I was also primary architect for the designing and implementing the Data Base and Reporting System for a very large web based application. Experience in those projects were both challenging and rewarding !! Having worked in various software projects big and small, recently decided to retire from active software development and spend more more time enjoying small things in life like listening to music, reading books, travelling and tending to terrace garden . I also spend some time putting some of the things I have learnt in software by managing a small website for a temple, creating a spreadsheet to manage my investments and by helping neighbourhood elders with their day to day digital challenges!! I am also trying to arrange and cleanup my large collection of old photographs !!