Let's Sexplore it with Dan Powers | E6
Dan Powers has been a sex educator for over 15 years. He weaves together an eclectic education filled with practical application and applies it to his engineering background making him a sought after international speaker and educator. www.pleasureengineer.com - my private practice websitewww.bedevents.com - my group events sitehttps://www.facebook.com/dakadanhttps://www.facebook.com/BedEvents/https://www.youtube.com/c/BeyondtheBedroomBoulderYou can check out our Host’s Rachel’s book herehttps://mailchi.mp/603981418092/date-to-find-your-soulmate?fbclid=IwAR2QWKyngKfIxuqA0OSvLdw-XF23WyNwD_tDi_t7VltTlFpu6c1d3c9dEfk