EP 2: Mark Vs Elon || In Hell With Jokes Apart || Season 2 || Hindi Podcast || SO2 EP2
Welcome to the fiery depths of our podcast, "In Hell With Jokes Apart"! Join us as we embark on an otherworldly journey, situated in the heart of Hell itself. Brace yourself for a unique and devilishly entertaining experience that transcends the mortal realm.In this infernal realm, two Indians, armed with wit and curiosity, delve into the darkest corners of the underworld. Unveiling mysteries, exploring the supernatural, and challenging the conventional, they fearlessly navigate the treacherous terrain of Hell to bring you captivating discussions like no other.In this episode we talk about how two BILLIONAIRES are planning to fight on the planet, we discuss about their strategies and much more...This was it from our end, we will see you soon, IN HELL. LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE!JOKES APART INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jokesapart.co/?hl=enMADHAV SETHI INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/madhavvsethii/?hl=enUDAY CHOPRA INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/udchopraa/?hl=enSPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ofmWU5Tk0fA9Jspyf8L1ZAPPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/jokes-apart/id1525942170