20. Common Stereotypes & Samaj Ki Pareshaniya Ft. Tanya Singh (Part 2)
Hi, everyone welcome or welcome back to Jokes Apart, in today's episode we are going to talk about common stereotypes with our guest Tanya Singh.This episode had so many things that we had to cut it into 2 parts, if you haven't heard the 1st part then go listen.Spotify All Jokes Apart Podcasts Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3kk67a0iedQdg4DU3aMCiv?si=nP2-GpjvRBGsllbeTg_2vw&utm_source=copy-link All Available Platforms: https://linktr.ee/JokesApart Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRdF_M6UKEOREseIXeTIPFAFollow Us On Instagram: https://instagram.com/jokesapart.co?igshid=29ex0eicxy17=Reach Out To Our Instagram Handles:Tanya Singh: https://www.instagram.com/tanya_s.05/Karan Joshi: https://instagram.com/skydaddy_149?igshid=7honpp29bqn6 Madhav Sethi: https://instagram.com/madhavvsethii?igshid=1qq8pyd4iah4t Thank you so much for listening, we will see you in the next one, till then peace out.