18. Phone Snatching And Trauma!! When Your Phone Gets Snatched!!!
Namashkaar, today's episode is dedicated to the worst incident in one's life. When you loose your phone, the most loved non-living thing, how it feels, what happens when you report the crime and much more. It is going to be a fun episode and a rollercoaster ride. So, fasten your seat belts and get ready.Disclaimer: all the characters involved in the podcast are imaginary. We do not intend to disrespect anyone by any means.Watch this podcast in video format on YouTube: Spotify All Jokes Apart Podcasts Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3kk67a0iedQdg4DU3aMCiv?si=nP2-GpjvRBGsllbeTg_2vw&utm_source=copy-link All Available Platforms: https://linktr.ee/JokesApart Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRdF_M6UKEOREseIXeTIPFAFollow Us On Instagram: https://instagram.com/jokesapart.co?igshid=29ex0eicxy17=Reach Out To Our Instagram Handles:Karan Joshi : https://instagram.com/skydaddy_149?igshid=7honpp29bqn6Madhav Sethi: https://instagram.com/madhavvsethii?igshid=1qq8pyd4iah4t Thank you so much for listening, we will see you in the next one, till then peace out.