5. Nehu Da Vyah And Arnab's Arrest
Hey everyone we are back!! Sorry for the delay ;) . In this episode we give our views on the arrest of Arnab Goswami, the founder of famous news channel Republic TV. We also give our views on Neha Da Vyah. We hope you have missed us :'(. Okay, now enjoy this podcast and have fun. Disclaimer: By our views in this podcast we do not intend to offend anyone or defame anyone. These our just our personal opinions. Your hosts- Karan And Madhav.Spotify All Jokes Apart Podcasts Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3kk67a0iedQdg4DU3aMCiv?si=nP2-GpjvRBGsllbeTg_2vw&utm_source=copy-link All Available Platforms: https://linktr.ee/JokesApart Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRdF_M6UKEOREseIXeTIPFAFollow Us On Instagram: https://instagram.com/jokesapart.co?igshid=29ex0eicxy17=Reach Out To Our Instagram Handles:Karan Joshi : https://instagram.com/skydaddy_149?igshid=7honpp29bqn6Madhav Sethi: https://instagram.com/madhavvsethii?igshid=1qq8pyd4iah4t