4. Indian Ads, Bollywood And Hypocrisy
Hey everyone, this is the fourth episode of our podcast. In this episode we talk about some senseless Indian advertisements and the hypocrisy of main stream Bollywood actors and stars, we also share our views on Bollywood. We hope you will enjoy this episode as well! Like, share and follow. **this episode was recorded before Hatharas incident**Spotify All Jokes Apart Podcasts Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3kk67a0iedQdg4DU3aMCiv?si=nP2-GpjvRBGsllbeTg_2vw&utm_source=copy-link All Available Platforms: https://linktr.ee/Jokes Apart Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRdF_M6UKEOREseIXeTIPFAFollow Us On Instagram: https://instagram.com/jokesapart.co?igshid=29ex0eicxy17=Reach Out To Our Instagram Handles:Karan Joshi : https://instagram.com/skydaddy_149?igshid=7honpp29bqn6Madhav Sethi: https://instagram.com/madhavvsethii?igshid=1qq8pyd4iah4t