The Lockdown Diaries. Day 24
Day 24. The Lockdown Diaries daily podcast. More tips and fun from lockdown in Spain. This day in history, famous birthdays, funny and weird jobs and job titles, lockdown woes – mistaking mustard for honey, drama games and tips to amuse, entertain and educate, today's binge-watching suggestion and another one of Chris’ coincidence stories. #Lockdown #Covid19 #Podcast #stayathome #staysafe #Coronavirus #jobs #bekindtothefrontline #supportthearts #actorslife #Spain #España #lockdowntips #EU #hobbies #Stella #Buddha #ruthjones #julianlennon #NHS #keyworkers #family #fun #tips #games #actor #coincidences #Twitter #Facebook #TV #puns #monologues