E5 : A millennial detour with Rudhra Mukund
In this episode, I take a detour from the HR Series, and present a refreshing view into the mind of someone who represents the majority of today's workforce - millennials. I talk to Rudhra Mukund, a millennial sports entrepreneur and mindset coach. Why should you listen to Rudhra ? Because, like me, you might learn a lot about how differently millennials approach the world of work. For example, how many of us founded our first company while in college? Rudhra has played sports at a very high level, and is experienced in various facets of sports management. He believes that a lot of our problems occur due to having the wrong mindset, and intends to change this for every individual he interacts with. He has a unique take on entrepreneurship, and his ideas on how to create a business might just blow your mind! For this and many more insights from Rudhra, tune in and join us in this episode!