Episode 17 - Busting the Bitcoin energy wastage myth
HI Friends,Bitcoin is widely misunderstood. Which is also the reason why we started this podcast. The debate on Bitcoin's energy usage has been going on for long. But since the topic has garnered attention yet again, we are releasing this podcast as our effort to bring the fair and rational truth to the world. Bitcoin is an opportunity for those that make the effort to learn it and understand it. Opportunities exist because of information disparity, when you know something that others don't know, you have an edge. This is very true for investments, so please do yourself a favor by learning about Bitcoin. The opportunity is still there.Recommended reading :https://hbr.org/2021/05/how-much-energy-does-bitcoin-actually-consumehttps://niccarter.info/topics/https://twitter.com/danheld/status/1351235080103096331?s=19