What is Your Stupid Human Trick?

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, asks, What is Stupid Human Trick? Entrepreneurs all have several skills but they need to focus their time on the one skill that makes them all of their money. Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below. Additional Videos From Freedom Factory How do I sell my business? When is the right time to sell your business? Transcript for podcast Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about something that has really allowed me to bend time and has really allowed me to make a difference when running my companies or my entrepreneurial companies. And I call it the stupid human trick. And I borrowed a bit of that from David Letterman watching his stupid animal tricks growing up. As entrepreneurs, we usually have one thing that we do better than anybody else. And I've mentioned this in a few other videos, but, people really wanted me to spend more time on it and show you exactly what I'm talking about. So, as entrepreneurs, there's two things that really help, mentors and a peer group. I've been a part of the time what was WYO and is now EEO or young entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs organization, a young presidents or YPO and also Tiger 21 but there's great groups to figure out of entrepreneurs and build that peer group and there's great mentors and there's a skill set to being a great mentor and also to being a great mentee, and this all adds into it. And then you can also do a lot of self work and a lot of testing for cognitive or things that you think such as Myers Briggs or an enneagram or cognative, or things that don't change or instincts. The best test I've found for that is Kolbe and Kathy Kolbe has done a great job putting all that together. And, and what's different about a cognative as opposed to a cognitive is it doesn't change if you take it, whether you're seven, 47 or 77 years old. But taking those tests, understanding what you're your best self is, and also getting an understanding of your shadow self or your stress self, and understand the triggers from when you go from one to the other can really help your efficacy, not just as an entrepreneur, but as a leader and a manager. Getting really clear on that can really allow you to bend time. Or as I tell a lot of my consulting clients, I help entrepreneurs bend time. What does that mean? Right? So we're familiar with the 80/ 20 principle - 20% of what you do produces 80% of the results. Well, I think when you become an expert at something, it really turns into 95/5 but the way that works is, so let's say we'll just take 80/20 for simplicity of numbers, and let's say 20% produces 80% of your results. If you can get rid of the other 80% of things occupying your time, maybe things that you're good at but not great at. For me, I'm a great leader but I'm a mediocre manager. I got rid of all my management. I've got great business partners that helped me with that, and I just focus on that 20% and if I could do that 20% five times, which is 100% of my time, I can create 400% of the value. Now, if you subscribe to my line of thinking, which is 95/5 and 5% produces 95% of your value. Well, if you can get rid of the other 95% and just do that 5% 20 times, all of a sudden that's 1900% of your value, or almost 20 times. It's 19 times, almost unbelievable. The sharper you get there, the easier and the more effective you can be. I think about it almost like a video game. Now, when I grew up playing video games, I had an Atari, my controller had one button. I play games against my kids and there's 20 buttons and I'm not very good. So for purposes of this conversation, let's think about it as one or two buttons on the controller. Like a Nintendo, and so you have the stock move, the move that everybody can do, kind of a button, punch or kick or jump. But every character has their special move or what I like to refer to as the B button. This guy breeze fire. This guy does a back flip. This guy does blankety blank. But figuring out your stupid human trick is really figuring out your backflip. And once you figured out your backflip, stop doing everything else and just do your backflip over and over and over again, and you can produce disproportionate results in your company. And that's really how you can shift the line. And instead of growing at 10% or 15%, you're growing at a hundred or 150%. So again, figuring out the one thing that you do better than anyone else provides tons of value to your company. It'll make you a better leader. It'll make you a better entrepreneur. If you have any questions on this, why don't you give us a call it Freedom Factory. Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe and we'll see you soon. Contact Freedom Factory Freedom Factory 5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258) https://www.freedomfactory.com https://g.page/freedom-factory-denver Also, Follow Freedom Factory here  Best Business Brokers - video portfolio   Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook.com Connect on Linkedin Youtube Channel You an also watch this video on Youtube Managing Partners at Freedom Factory Robert Hirsch and Tyler Tysdal

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