Suddenly Single in her 40s, Now engaged at ❤️50! | Jerica Jech
As St Augustine once said, “the measure of love is to love without measure.” Balancing a career you love, remaining socially open and relationship friendly can be an opportunity for consciously stewarding the chanciness of love and facilitating your need for connectedness. Jerica Jech found herself suddenly single at 48. Through a process of healing from her divorce, recovering her confidence, learning about men and how to find love again she got results. Jerica got engaged 2 years after divorce. Yes, through online dating! Bullet PointsJerica’s story: suddenly divorced in her 40s, then online dating, now engaged at 50! [2:42-7:03]Situation – 7Eleven Convenience Store horror story [26:12]Midlife dating isn't about settling here, because we don't need a man. It's that we want one. And I believe there's a lot of freedom in that, and again, just slow down. Slow down and get what you want. [21:08]The Baseball date [29:15]Jerica helps women with her signature program: ‘Start Your Forever Relationship Right.’Free Guide: Stuck Getting Started Finding a Relationship? Knowledge BombThe people you may have want to date pre- 40 may not be the people you want to date post- 60. [02:05]How to have a Virtual Date About the GuestJerica Jech is a dating and love coach for midlife women. Instagram YouTube FacebookAbout the ShowPodcast Host: Life & Leadership: A Conscious Journey with Dr. Michelle St JaneA podcast for Global and Re-Emerging Leadership creating community/tribe, a circle of influence, transcendency of compassionate leadership in the world and wider universe. A unique destination for learning about Leadership + Conscious Stewardship + Legacy.Social media accounts:WebsiteFacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter