An Introduction to Life and Leadership as a conscious journey
In this episode, we cover personal values and manifesto that drive this Podcast.“There are times when it is important to walk away from normalised ways of thinking. Leave the cave. Enter illumination of your purpose. Practice the alchemy of leaning into your legacy. Know what you stand for and willing to fall for.The Overarching Aim of this PodcastLet’s create a tribe and expand the circle of influence. It's all about creating compassionate leadership in the world and the universe.The Dark Places and the Dark TimesIn this episode, we discuss becoming conscious using the analogy of Plato’s Cave. Often it is the dark times and dark places that wake you up to your conditioning. Often accompanied by anxiety and feeling trapped. The starting place for listeners who are interested in being changemakers, influencers. Living Legends, vivid visionaries is consciousness and raising your awareness around your feelings and thoughts. Remember feelings and thoughts are guests who are passing through. Listen to their messages and wish them well on their continued journey.Do You have a Personal Manifesto? Do You Know What You Value?[1:00] My personal manifesto is to live by: Codes of Consciousness #leadership > Codes of Conduct Hearing the wildness of the heart > orderliness of the mindLiving life in great humor > To Do DemandsRadiating prosperity & spiritual wellbeing #legacy > accumulatingPhilanthropy, #stewardship > CharityOne memorable episode quote“The podcaster whose show is a unique destination for learning about Leadership + Stewardship + Legacy.”Main Takeaway/Centralized calls-to-actionConsider your personal values and manifesto. There will be an episode coming up on this. A link will be provided here when available.VisualThis is the visual image of a Conscious Journey, which Philip Dobbs, Digital Artist and Graphic Designer, and I collaborated with.*Music by John Woolridge in collaboration with Michelle St JaneAbout the Show Podcast Host: Life & Leadership: A Conscious Journey with Michelle St JaneA podcast for Global and Re-Emerging Leadership creating community/tribe, a circle of influence, transcendency of compassionate leadership in the world and wider universe. A unique destination for learning about Leadership + Conscious Stewardship + Legacy.Social media accounts:WebsiteFacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitterYouTubeSUBSCRIBE to this show on your favorite platform:Apple Podcast (and leave a review!)SpotifyDeezerCastroOvercast