GMAT/GRE/CAT Comparisons with Anish | Best Fit Careers E4 | Saurabh Nanda
Saurabh Nanda and Anish Passi dive deep into the nuances of standardised testing for MBA:GMAT/GRE/CAT Differences and SimilaritiesChallenges in test takingMindset for test takingStress associated with test takingCan we hack GMAT?Anish Passi is a seasoned GMAT trainer with 7+ years of test prep analytics and training experience under his belt. He has scored a 760 on GMAT and a 99.55 percentile in CAT. He is the Top GMAT writer on Quora with more than 1.1 million views on his answers. He has studied engineering from McMasters in Canada and completed his MBA from IIM Ahemdabad in India which gives him unique insights into Indian and International MBA processes. Know more about Anish and his training - Know more about GMAT — more about GRE — more about CAT —!The Trodden Path - Saurabh has been guiding candidates for MBA since 2013 both as a trainer for the entrance tests such as CAT/GMAT/GRE and a guide for interviews/ MBA applications. 100s of his mentees have completed their MBAs from all top Indian B-schools including all IIMs, ISB, XLRI, SP Jain, FMS, Great Lakes and from top 100 B-schools across the world from all major economies including the US, the UK, Canada, Japan, Spain, France and Germany.Please visit to know more. Contact SN Mentoring for getting yourself assessed for your future career and education opportunities. If you want to ask questions which Saurabh can answer in the next episode, please email your questions to . #careerpodcast #indianpodcast #spotifypodcast #spotifypodcasts #mba #mbaadmissions #mbaabroad #indianmba #gmat #mbaguidance #gre #cat #careeradvice #careercounselling #careercoach #saurabhnanda #snmentoring #bestfitcareers