Best Fit Careers for you :)
Namaste and welcome to Best-fit Careers. A podcast focussed on bringing you all the information that you would need to find your best fit career pathways and be happy in what you do! I am Saurabh Nanda, your host, an experienced career consultant, educator and youth mentor. I am the director of the career happiness and mentorship firm called SN Mentoring. In this podcast, we will be discussing topics relevant to students and young professionals seeking guidance for their best-fit career pathways. For school students topics such as subject choices, profile building, entrance examinations, standardised testing, cyber bullying, internet usage, high school projects and students’ questions.For university students, discussions on higher education for post graduate programs, MBA, LLM, PhD, skill building, standardised tests, new age careers, placements, CV Building, interview prep, SOPs/Essays, research publications and much more.For young professionals, conversations will revolve around career switching, sabbaticals, fellowships, immersion programs, finding balance in life, how to grow your secondary income, personal branding, creating impact and more!On this podcast, I will provide that elusive information in very digestible format which probably was missing from your life. I shall bring in other mentors as guests to have a candid conversation around their respective areas of expertise. And I shall also be highlighting the SN Mentoring Young Futurists - students who are on the path to change how things happen in our future.Best-fit Careers! Almost sounds like an Oxymoron. Can careers ever be Best-fit for someone? I found my best-fit career as a career mentor. It helps me work on all the things I ever wanted to and be happy spending time in my work. The same is possible for you. Just remember do not ignore anything about yourself. If you have any queries, you can email us at or reach out to us on our social media and our website with the message subject as “Podcast Question” and I will be taking it up in a future episode!Please subscribe to this channel on the platform you are listening this on and share if you find value in this episode and feel others will benefit from this too!Happy Careers to you!