Netflix and Its Policies | Episode 17 | Advertere TV Explains
Sharing sensitive information with employees? No company in its sane mind would do it, right?Well, we have a rule breaker: Netflix.Ever wondered what is the secret sauce to their successful run in the streaming industry or how they compete at such a significant pace?Here, you'll find all your answers!Welcome to yet another episode of Advertere TV.In today's episode, we'll be covering some more steps that the company takes to strengthen and retain their culture.Moving on to why Netflix thinks 'sharing sensitive information with employees' is a good move and lastly the infamous 'The Keeper Test.'Well, if your partner is a keeper or not, we don't know. But let's find out if Netflix is.----------------------------------------------------------------00:00- Introduction00:29- Concluding previous part01:08- Strengthening the Culture01:52-Unusual culture at netflix02:46- Decentralised decision making03:50- Culture Reinforcement05:43-Healthy performance reviews06:17-More freedom to employees08:15- Conclusion09:33- Outro------------------------------------------------------------------------Watch this episode on Youtube: to our channel for more insightful content: can reach us at: info@advertere.orgCheck out Advertere: The Marketing SocietyInstagram: #adverteretvexplains #adverteretvsnippets