Money Mindset for Wealth with Manish Ahuja
How much you earn, and your net-worth are direct functions of your money mindset.As an employee with a salary, can I become truly wealthy and achieve a passive income?How to remove financial mindblocks, to create a mindset that allows you to earn moreBasic Financial Literacy each and every one should learnDo you know that you need to save/invest more, but still struggle to do it? Are your peers upskilling and switching jobs to earn much more? Your batchmates who were nowhere as good as you are earning more than you today? The internet is full of stories of poor people winning lotteries, and becoming poor again within a matter of months. Why is that?Even in our lives, we see many people earning well, but not able to retain any money with themselves.The biggest difference is in the mindset all of you have adopted towards money.Learn from the founder of Paycheck to Profit (Manish Ahuja). Remove these financial roadblocks, and create a mindset that allows you to earn and save more