The 48 Laws of Power ! पावरफुल लोगों के 48 सेक्रेट्स (HINDI BOOK SUMMERY 2021) #FINANSOTALESHINDI

The 48 Laws of Power! पावरफुल लोगों के 48 सेक्रेट्स (HINDI BOOK SUMMERY 2021) #FINANSOTALESHINDI This is really a unique book that serves both as a manual as well as a reading of the history of power and how it was used through the ages. I imagine most read this book to get insight into business transactions or self-help - but what is fascinating are the examples that are used to show certain aspects of obtaining or getting power. That and Robert's other two books "The Art of Seduction" and the War one are important studies on the nature of those subject matters. Really unique and interesting! CONTENT TIMECODES Disclaimer- 0:00 Intro - 01:29 1) Never Outshine the Master - 02:13 2) Never Put Too Much Trust in Friends. Use Your enemies - 02:39 3) Conceal Your Intentions - 03:36 4) Always Say Less than necessary - 03:56 5) Protect Your Reputation at All costs - 04:18 6) Court Attention at All Costs - 04:48 7) Get Others Do the Work For You, But Take the credit - 05:06 8) Make People Come to you - 05:26 9) Win Through Actions, Never Through argument - 05:46 10) Don’t Get Infected by Misery and misfortune - 06:13 11) Learn to Keep People Dependent on You - 06:33 12) Use Selective Honesty & Generosity to Disarm Your victim - 06:47 13) Get Help by Appealing to Self-Interest, Never to Their Mercy - 07:00 14) Pose As a Friend Work As a Spy - 07:21 15) Crush Your Enemy Totally - 07:33 16) Raise your Value Through Absence and Scarcity - 07:44 17) Keep Others in Suspended Terror: Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability - 08:10 18) Don’t Isolate Yourself Behind a Fortress - 08:24 19) Know Who You’re Dealing with - 08:40 20) Do Not Commit to Anyone - 08:55 21) Play A Sucker to Catch a Sucker: Seem Dumber Than Your Mark - 09:15 22) Use the Surrender Tactic - 09:33 23) Concentrate Your Forces - 09:52 24) Play the Perfect Courtier - 10:04 25) Re-Create Yourself - 10:18 26) Keep Your Hands Clean - 10:33 27) Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following - 10:52 28) Enter Action With Boldness - 11:11 29) Plan All The Way to The End - 11:27 30) Make Your Accomplishments Seem Effortless- 11:44 31) Control the Options - 12:00 32) Play to People’s Fantasies - 12:22 33) Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew - 12:39 34) Be Royal in Your Own Fashion – Act Like a King to Be Treated Like One - 13:00 35) Master the Art of Timing - 13:17 36) Disdain Things You Cannot Have: Ignoring Them is the Best Revenge - 13:35 37) Create Compelling Spectacles - 13:55 38) Think As You Like, But Behave Like Others - 14:10 40) Despise the Free Lunch - 14:55 41) Avoid Stepping Into a Great Man’s Shoes - 15:09 42) Strike the Shepherd to Scatter the Sheep - 15:36 43) Work on The Hearts and Minds of Others - 15:54 44) Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror effect - 16:24 45: Preach the Need for Change, But Never Reform Too Much at Once - 16:46 46) Never Appear Too Perfect - 17:13 47) Do Not go Past The Mark You Aimed For, In Victory, Know When to Stop - 17:31 48) Assume Formlessness - 17:47 OUTRO- 18-17 =============== ================================= Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE the Channel ================================================ Support us by UPI- 8882421607 If you want to see more informative videos like this then smash that subscribe button! #Teamfinansotales​​​​​​​ • Wanna Know How I Look? Instagram : @the_vihan_thakur follow us on Twitter:-​​​ ================================================ #hindibooksummery #teamfinansotales #finansoarmy tips the balance --- Send in a voice message:

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