3 - Will you take the blue pill or the red pill? - Niraj Naik - The Renegade Pharmacist & Founder, Soma Breath
This week on The Hadassah Collective podcast I speak with Niraj Naik AKA The Renegade Pharmacist & Founder of Soma Breath. We discuss Niraj's journey from community pharmacist to being diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis. When he came to a point where western medicine was no longer effective, in a life-changing moment of desperation, he began to explore alternative healing methods. After being completely healed Niraj began to dive into studying ancient healing methods and now shares his knowledge and quantum breath work practices through Soma breath which has become a global movement. We also discuss our dependence on Big Pharma, the business of the global medical system and the failings of reductive science and the shift towards incorporating alternative therapies into the modern medical system. In this information-packed episode we also discuss the COVID 19 Pandemic, the human rights questions the pandemic has brought into the public arena and how important it is for each one of us to reclaim our personal responsibility for own education in relation to health and immunity. Resources discussed in this episode: @the_renegade_pharmacist @somabreath Soma Breath Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/alchemysoundtherapy Wim Hof - @iceman_hof Set You Free - Wim Hof Music https://www.wimhofmethod.com/products/music/set-you-free Ayurvedic Healing - Dr David Frawley https://www.amazon.com/Ayurvedic-Healing-Comprehensive-David-Frawley/dp/0914955977 JAG Therapy, Mysore - Ayurveda http://jagtherapy.com/ @tonyrobbins Swami Ambikananda http://www.traditionalyoga.org/ @deepakchopra Quantum Healing - Deepak Chopra https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Healing-Exploring-Frontiers-Medicine/dp/0739343963 @marisapeertherapy & John Davey - Hypnotherapy @johnv_leon - Sustainable Business Dr Richard Bandler - NLP richardbandler.com Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson https://www.amazon.com/Prometheus-Rising-Robert-Anton-Wilson/dp/0692710604 Timothy Leary https://www.amazon.com/Timothy-Leary/e/B000APP69A Holotropic Breathwork http://www.holotropic.com/ Leonard Orr - Breathwork https://www.rebirthingbreathwork.com/ Dr BM Hegede https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBhxIW24jaE Safta Jaffrey https://www.musictank.co.uk/