Does LIVER TRANSPLANT Affect Your SEX LIFE? लिवर के मरीजों सेक्स प्रॉब्लम? Dr Bipin Vibhute

In this video, Dr. Bipin Vibhute has spoken about Liver Transplant & Sex Life. 1. What sexual complications can arise if you are suffering from liver cirrhosis and what are the solutions to it? When an individual suffers from advanced liver disease or liver cirrhosis their sexual hormones level tend to drops, like testosterone in males and estrogen and progesterone in females as these hormones are actively converted in the liver. Therefore whenever an individual suffers from liver diseases or liver injury, resulting in a lower level of sexual hormones thus leading to loss of sexual desire erectile misfunctioning, or premature ejaculation. These same sexual complications are also observed in females like dry vagina and loss of sexual desire. In liver cirrhosis, one's physical, mental, phycological, and social life is disturbed and when sexual complications are also added it tends to also add more complications tends to arise. But you don't need to worry as it is completely reversible when the liver disease is treated the sexual complications are also reversed and get resolved. But if the complications don't get reversed then you may consult a sex expert or liver expert. Till then you need to take care of a few things like:Marinating sexual hygieneIf a patient undergoes a liver transplant, all these complications get reversed leading to a normal sexual life. In some cases, it has also been seen that normal sex life is not reversed to normal in 13 - 24% of people.About Dr. Bipin Vibhute and this channel:______________________________________Dr. Bipin Vibhute is the program director of the Center for Organ Transplants, Sahyadri Hospitals ( Pune, Nashik & Karad ). He is famous for his outstanding surgical skills, great patient rapport, down-to-earth nature, and infectious smile. Through this channel, we are bringing a lot of information related to the liver, its various diseases, and some important information. So, stay updated, subscribe, like, and share our channel. Thanks!#afterlivertrasplant #sexlife #drbipinvibhute #liver #liverhealth #TravelTips #livercare #liverhealth #healthylifestyle #healthyliver #liverdisease #nutrition #healthyfood #drbipinvibhute #livertransplant #posttransplant #organtransplant #livertransplantsurgery

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