Q & A with leading Public Health Expert Dr Arun Menon on #COVID19 | Voices In My Head | Podcast Episode 13
Link to my Book - https://www.voicesinmyhead.in/bookYameer Adhar, host of Voices In My Head gets inside the head of Dr Arun Menon. This episode focuses on getting answers regarding the #Coronavirus #COVID-19. Misinformation regarding COVID19 is spreading faster than the virus itself, therefore, it is critical to get the right information from experts with years of experience in this field. Dr Arun Menon's Profile:Trained in Public Health, Tropical and Sexual Health MedicineDirector of 3 Sexual Health Units in Regional and Remote Australia (Townsville, Mackay and Mt Isa)Adjunct Associate Professor James Cook University TownsvilleClinical Advisor to International Division of Australasian Society of HIV, Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM)He manages HIV and Sexual Health Programmes in Papua New Guinea and some of the Pacific IslaAs the host of Voices In My Head, it is my mission to educate as many people as possible about health/wellness because for years I was depressed, anxious and ill but just didn't know that I was. The first step towards solving any problem is realising that there is one. You or your loved one may be suffering from a mental illness but no longer do you have to suffer in silence or be in denial about it. Voices In My Head is a podcast show dedicated to mental and physical health that will teach anyone aspiring to improve themselves and learn the secrets to become happy and healthy! Find your ultimate state of wellbeing and become the BEST version of YOU! FOLLOW YAMEER ADHAR:Instagram: @yameeradharWebsite: https://www.voicesinmyhead.in/Email: yameer@voicesinmyhead.in Book: https://www.voicesinmyhead.in/bookSHOW NOTES:1. Has the WHO got it wrong? [16:26]2. How much do we know so far? [20:30]3. Is COVID19 "man-made" ? [23:15]4. Lockdown Vs. Slowdown [27:10]5. Rate of infection (R naught) [31:48]6. Use of Ventilators [36:50]7. Herd Immunity & Vaccines [45:28]8. Accurate Diagnosis of COVID-19, PCR Test [54:48]9. Warm Weather an advantage? [1:06:35]10. From Epidemic to Endemic [1:10:18]11. What's the endgame? [1:14:01]12. Should I wear a Mask? [1:16:31]13. Hydroxychloroquine [1:20:38]14. Immunity [1:23:41]15. Are O Type Blood Groups Immune to COVID19 [1:26:50]16. Epidemiology and the future [1:29:07]PLEASE SUPPORT THE PODCAST Through Patreon https://www.patreon.com/VIMHSupport the show (https://www.patreon.com/VIMH)