Diabetes Sugar Ki Bimari Nahi hai - Diabetes What's next?
Diabetes is not Just about Sugar? Diabetes Educator, Dietitian and Nutritionist Swati Bathwal, who is also a qualified Public Health Educator explains what is diabetes? She gives prescription for correct exercise, what foods need to be eaten and how to manage it well at home without complications.Can you eaten potatoes in Diabetes? Can you drink fruit juices or eat rice? Swati Bathwal explain it for you.Is 30 mins exercise enough? Is yoga better than walking?What is Diabetes and how does it effect our food when eat?What is Insulin?What are evidence based home remedies?Swati Bathwal who has helped thousands of patients with Diabetes including businessman, celebrities, children with diabetes explains it all in this episode. Swati is on a mission and it is to reverse Pre-Diabetes.Happy listening x