S02E23 - Is Freemasonry Still Relevant Today? by R.W.Bro. Zawareh H. Wadia Lodge Hamilton No.26 Part 1
Is Freemasonry Still Relevant Today? Now that’s a loaded question indeed! We delves into a very interesting paper by R.W.Bro. Zawareh H. Wadia from Lodge Hamilton No26. This is a two part episodic series and we are pleased to present to you, Part1 of this fascinating discussion.Link: https://linktr.ee/theashlarspodcastEmail - theashlarspodcast@gmail.com Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ashlarsthe/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ashlars.ashlar Twitter - https://twitter.com/TAshlars Hubhopper - https://theashlars.hubhopper.comGRAND LODGE OF INDIA - http://grandlodgeofindia.inRegional Grand Lodge of South India - http://www.rglsi.org.in