S02E06 - Eternal Quest of a Mason by R.W.Bro. Rajiv Sethi
Feast your ears on this delightful paper by Right Worshipful Brother Rajiv Sethi where he beautifully articulate what the Quest of a mason is all about. The wisdom imparted here is timeless and universally applicable to ANYONE seeking to be better person. So, listen to find out more!GRAND LODGE OF INDIA - http://grandlodgeofindia.inRegional Grand Lodge of South India - http://www.rglsi.org.in..Reach out to us.. Email - theashlarspodcast@gmail.com Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ashlarsthe/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ashlars.ashlar Twitter - https://twitter.com/TAshlars Hubhopper - https://theashlars.hubhopper.com..Also available on.. https://linktr.ee/theashlarspodcast..#Tags..#tTheAshlarsPodcast #TheAshlars $theashlarspodcast #theashlars #podcast #freemasonry #philosophy #deep #thoughts #Freemasonry #thatsdeep #Freemason #deepthinking #beyondtheobvious #thinkbeyond #whenyougetit #abstract #bekind #interviews #interview #ideas #guest #speaker #discussion #thought #freemason #FreemasonsOfIndia #collaborate #freemasonsofIndia #masons #masonic #knowledge #fromlighttodarkness #2b1ask1 #masonsofIndia