Understanding Siddhis and Leelas

Hello and Namaste,  A warm welcome to Neem Karoli Baba'smiracles of love and compassion.  In the previous episode, you heard how Neem Karoli Baba was thrown out of a train by its British conductor for traveling without a ticket. And despite numerous attempts after that, the train wouldn't move at all.  Finally, when the railway officials promised Baba, that they'll be more respectful to sadhus and saints, and also build a train station right at the spot where they threw him out, Baba blessed them to continue their journey.   But he stayed back in the Nib Karori village, where he meditated for 18 years and attained numerous spiritual siddhis or mystic powers of the mind and the spirit. Talking about siddhis or mystic powers of the mind, It is important to clarify here that Himalayan yogis and sadhus attain mystical abilities through advanced yogic meditation and ancient spiritual practices.  There is absolutely no dependence on psychotropic or trippy consciousness or mood-altering substances such as marijuana, or mushrooms, as many wrongly believe and promote.  These could work but who knows?  For genuine Indian mystics and spiritual lighthouses such as Neem Karoli Baba, Shirdi Sai Baba, YoganandaParamhansa, Ramkrishna Paramahansa, and many more, it was all about getting high on the divine source of life.   These Indian mystics are also perhaps textbook examples of mystical magnificence and proof of mind over matter.   However, obtaining a mysterious or magical siddhi or power of complete control and perfection of the mind, was nothing more than just a paranormal ability of the earthly or mundane plane for them.    They never gave much importance to it, let alone flash it or encourage it as an end goal of spiritual mastery.  Unfortunately, many in the West often push and peddle this esoteric bunk that Indian siddhis or mystical perfections of Himalayan masters are some sort of superhuman brilliance or knack.  Oh well, the pitfalls of little knowledge mixed with the pangs for the paranormal.  The bigger question here is,  if all these mystical abilities or Siddhis of the Himalayan masters are only important at the mundane or earthly level, then why even bother attaining them?   What for? To stop train engines and force railway officials to build railway stations for villagers? Uh, huh, not true.  Mystical saints like Neem KaroliBaba would often manifest events and circumstances that served a higher spiritual and worldly purpose.   They did so by using their own spiritual capacity to play with the fabric of space and time. A remarkable spiritual ability known as leela in Sanskrit.    So these saints and yogis used their siddhis or spiritual faculties along with their mystic perfections to manifest leelas or regular day to day events that had a greater cause.  Stopping the train and not letting it move was Baba's leela to send a loud and clear message to the British officials who were then ruling India,  that every human being is equal and deserves respect and dignity.  Saint or no saint, everybody's presence on this earth is precious. The train station for the village of Nib Karori that came out of that episode, was a bonus for the poor and neglected villagers. There are many other examples of Baba's leelas or miracles of love and compassion while he remained in the village.  Here's one of them.  One day a man called Buddh Sen approached Baba at his cottage.  Buddh Sen had heard of a mystical saint meditating in the village and thought it would be a good idea to meet him.  He had been depressed for a very long time. Despite trying for years, his wife and him were unable to have any children. They had given up on hopes of having a family of their own.  Baba told Buddh Sen that he would be blessed with a child, provided he promises to dig a well in the village.   Hmm... What did a well have to do with having children? It is said that the higher purpose of the leela of a mystic is best known only to him. Baba knew precisely what was the greater good in this. Within a few weeks, Buddh Sen's wife got pregnant. And in time, she gave birth to a beautiful boy, called Ram Sevak.  As promised, Buddh Sen dug a well in the village. Now, Nib Karori was a poor village. During the days of the British Raj, it was completely ignored as it served no political or economic importance. So the British government did not bother to develop any facilities there. The village even lacked basic amenities like drinking water. Turns out the well dug by Buddh Sen was a big boon for the village community.  It became an important source of fresh underground water in an already struggling village.  But going beyond the worldly logic of quid pro quo, or one good in exchange of another,  Baba's leela here was tomatch Buddh Sen's spiritual intent to nurture and nourish his own family by granting him an opportunity to provide a source of relief and nourishment for hundreds of families.   Baba knew that both Buddh Sen and the village needed each other's benevolence and support.  What followed with the birth of Buddh Sen's son, Ram Sevak,, was a pure miracle of love and compassion, orchestrated by Neem Karoli Baba.  The well and the ancestral home ofBuddh Sen and Ram Sevak can still be found in the Nib Karori village. Vinod Shukla, one of India's leading biographers of Neem Karoli Baba and editor in chief of Dastak Media, has traced the well and the family of Buddh Sen in Nib Karori. We have posted Dastak Media'sYoutube link of the well in the description of this episode.   https://youtu.be/ubIhcGFk    That was it for today.   We will be back with more miracles of love and compassion carried out by NeemKaroli Baba.  If you have any specific requests or questions, you can send your emails to loveneemkaroli@gmail.com or connect with us on Instagram by following our profile, neemancipation.  I am your narrator Sourav Roy and I hope you enjoyed this episode of Neem Karoli Baba’s miracles of love and compassion with me. Stay tuned and spread the love.   Thank You and Ram Ram.                      

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