#389-Lawrence Gowan, Styx
As the years have gone by, we continue to talk to musicians that we never thought we'd get a chance to talk to. Today is one of those days. We are joined by leadsinger and keyboardist of Styx, Lawrence Gowan. Gowan has been with the band for over 20 years and continues to entertain Styx's loyal fanbase on the regular. We chat about everything from what is what like join such an established band, the band's legacy, maintaining the ability to be a front man, and even his role in a movie called Wolfcop. Yes, Wolfcop. Lawrence really was a great guest, with lot of insight into the music industry, a great sense of humor,and lots of great stories. Go check out Styx on tour today!
We also talk about the Washington Comanders, the Brian Flores situation, and Mike reveals some new origin stories for some famous bad guys. Have a listen!