पंचतंत्र की कहानी Panchatantra stories in hindi with moral values, kids, children, पंचतंत्र की कहानी ,बाल कहानी
The Panchatantra collection of short stories was written in Sanskrit by Indian scholar and author, Vishnu_Sharma between 1200 CE and 300 CE. Some scholars also believe that it was written in around 3 CE. Panchatantra stories are one of the most widely translated books in the history and are known for their wisdom on practical life. The stories themselves are delightfully narrated, with animals and birds often being the central characters. Thus they provide valuable life lessons in a light-hearted manner. While some of the stories may not be appropriate for children in this age group, most of them appeal to early stage learners, due to the colorful characters.Here we list the most famous stories from the Panchatantra for kids. These stories can be used by parents, teachers and children for storytelling sessions, role plays, moral educations classes, school competitions etc. पंचतंत्र की पांच प्रसिद्ध कहानियाँ पंचतंत्र की चटपटी बाल कहानी