जन्मदिन संगीत
Birthday song in our beloved language :)Lyricsजन्मदिनमिदम् अयि प्रिय सखेशंतनोतु हि सर्वदा मुदम् ।।प्रार्थयामहे भव शतायु:ईश्वर सदा त्वाम् च रक्षतु ।।पुण्य कर्मणा कीर्तिमार्जयजीवनम् तव भवतु सार्थकम्MeaningO! Friend may this birthday of yours Bring in auspiciousness and happiness. We pray that you enjoy hundred beautiful years of life and May the Lord always protect you. May you earn fame by your virtuous actions and May your life be fulfilling.#initiativesasmita #sanskrit #birthday #song