#003: Finding Purpose | Hugo (Martin Scorsese)
In this episode of Cinema, My Child, and Me, Abhinav and Shibangi talk about how parents or teachers and children can watch Martin Scorsese's endearing film Hugo, and use the experience as an opportunity to talk about how we work towards finding our purpose.The hosts reminisce about their experience of watching it and share some ideas with parents and teachers about the various threads they can pick up to start engaging conversations with their children or students.The episode contains some spoilers as the hosts share:a summary of Hugotheir personal impressions of the filmtheir favourite themes from the movietechnical highlightsthe standout scenes of their choicesome discussion ideas which the listeners can use to engage in with their childrensome movies based on similar themes a poll for the listeners (on Breakfast@Cinema's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, as well as their website - details given below).Thanks to our young listeners for providing us with tracks for use in the podcast.Introduction Music - Arkansh Pandey (10) on the clarinetEpisode Opening Music - Idhya Shailabh (10) on the piano and Idhaansh Shailabh Pandey (6) on the violinClosing Music - Drishaan Pandey (7) on the pianoCover Art created on canva.comHosted on Hubhopper Studio