#001: Interacting with the Unknown | My Neighbour Totoro (Hayao Miyazaki)
In the first episode of Cinema, My Child, and Me, Abhinav and Shibangi talk about how parents or teachers and children can watch Hayao Miyazaki's classic My Neighbour Totoro, and use the experience as an opportunity to talk about how each of us deals with what is unknown to us. The hosts reminisce about their childhoods and share some ideas with parents and teachers about the various threads they can pick up to start engaging conversations with their children or students.The episode contains some spoilers as the hosts share:a summary of My Neighbour Totorotheir personal impressions of the filmtheir favourite themes from the movietechnical highlights the standout scenes of their choicesome discussion ideas which the listeners can use to engage in with their children a poll for the listeners (on Breakfast@Cinema's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, as well as their website - details given below).Thanks to freemusicarchive.org for providing us with tracks under Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0 for the podcast. Southfolk 1st Division by Marco Trovatello Anoitecer (Nightfall) by GuifrogYou Um, I'll Ah by Doctor TurtleCover Art created on canva.comPodcast Hosting Site: Hubhopper Studio