Sustainable Fashion | How to look Sheek | Impact of fast fashion
Did you know that every second a truck load of clothes are sent to the landfill? Or that to make one t-shirt you need 30 bathtubs of water? Fashion is a topic close to women's hearts and I try to highlight the adverse impact of fast fashion and how our choices could make a difference. Listen from fashion designers, fashion bloggers and mothers as they shed light on this topic and share their tips on balancing fashion and sustainability.Also happy to introduce our new podcast for kids, "BRAINSTORM", where we discuss inspiring people, books and movies. Here is the link to the podcast: can learn more about our today's guest via their social media handles. Richa @urbanmantra1 Swati @swissmiss_s.par.k Wish @wisharawish_officialTo learn more about this topic check out my social media via the links below: Instagram LinkedIn Email