Sri Bhagavatha Kathasara - Skandha #1-Series E
Dear listeners, Given the massive knowledge held in this book, we have made an attempt to concise the pod cast into episodes of roughly 20-25minutes. Kindly make sure you follow the episodes as per the title of the episode. To get an idea about the first chapter also here after referred as Skandas. To start with the first skandha Devarishi Narada tells us about Bhgavatha sapthaha. This whole story of Bhagavanath is related to Parikshit when he was about to die within a week. When Parikshit started ruling,Kali maharaja enters this earth and begs for some places to live in. Later as Parikshit was cursed by Shrungi for he had unknowingly done something which heshould not have done. Parikshit had to die within a seven days and at that timeMaharshi Sutha trained him upward journey of the king by telling Bhagavathapurana in Sapthaha way. By this time Lord Sri Krishna and Pandavas had attained Moksha.