वाल्मीकि रामायण के राम क्र० १० राम के राज्याभिषेक के प्रस्ताव का अनुमोदन

Episode 10 of the conversations between Yogita Pant and Anil Chawla deals with the process which was adopted to approve the proposal for appointing Ram as the Crown Prince. Maharaj Dashrath thinks of the qualities of Ram and how Ram is more popular and is also better than him in all aspects. Maharaj Dashrath first consults his own cabinet of ministers and after getting their approval calls for a meeting of all the learned men and the kings. In the grand meeting, Maharaj puts up his proposal of appointing Ram as the Crown Prince. The meeting conveys its approval by a voice vote. Maharaj is not satisfied. He asks them to deliberate at length and get back with detailed reasons. They think it over and come back with a long description of various qualities of Ram as their reason for approving the proposal. (Ref. Chapter 1 & 2, Ayodhya Kand, Shreemad Valmikiy Ramayan) ***** Website - http://samarthbharat.com/Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinkerTwitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinkerYouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfrS3ieBee0tWwZIl6bHGcg***** Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an ex-IP (Insolvency Professional). Yogita Pant is Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Personnel Management. She is also a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an ex-IP (Insolvency Professional). Both are Partners in Anil Chawla Law Associates LLP - http://www.indialegalhelp.com*****This  podcast  was  created  on  Hubhopper  studio.  If you  wish  to  start  your  own  podcast  for  free, visit  studio.hubhopper.com  or  download  the  mobile app  on  the  Google  Playstore.  Hubhopper  is India's  leading  podcast  creation  platform.  Start  your podcast  &  get  your  voice  heard  across platforms  like  Spotify,  Gaana,  Google  podcasts,  Wynk Music  and  more.  Click  on  the  link  in  the episode  description  or  visit  studio.hubhopper.com.

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