वाल्मीकि रामायण के राम क्र० २ राम द्वारा ताटका का वध

Episode 2 of the conversations related to Ram begins with Yogita Pant asking about the friendship between Guh, who apparently belonged to a lower caste, and Ram. Anil Chawla replies that Ram never thought in terms of caste. Ram actually got up from his seat, walked up to receive and welcome Guh. Ram accorded full affection and respect to Guh. The tendency to view people from a caste orientation is recent and is not present at any place in Shreemad Valmikiy Ramayan.Continuing from the previous episode, Anil Chawla describes how Ram and Laxman walked for about 15-20 km with Maharshi Vishwamitr. They received special knowledge of Bala and Atibala. Subsequently, Maharshi ordered them to kill Taatka, a woman who was daughter of Suketu and mother of Mareech. Ram hesitates about killing a woman since killing women is strictly forbidden. Maharshi explains that it is the duty of a king to protect his people and if it involves doing something cruel, the king must not hesitate and do his duty. Maharshi also quotes precedents about Indr killing a woman and also about Vishnu killing the wife of Rishi Bhrigu and mother of Shukracharay. Convinced of the morality of killing Taatka, Ram kills her. (Ref. Chapters 22-26 of Baal Kand, Shreemad Valmikiy Ramayan) ***** Website - http://samarthbharat.com/Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hinduthinkerTwitter - https://twitter.com/AnilThinkerYouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfrS3ieBee0tWwZIl6bHGcg***** Anil Chawla is an engineer - B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is also a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an ex-IP (Insolvency Professional). Yogita Pant is Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Personnel Management. She is also a practicing advocate specializing in corporate law and an ex-IP (Insolvency Professional). Both are Partners in Anil Chawla Law Associates LLP - http://www.indialegalhelp.com 

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