Everything Heightened | Episode 17- Periods!
Hello friends, Coco and Oreo welcome you to join us on our journey to the light and dark segments of our teenage lives, in which we discuss, give advice and talk about the major and minor mess ups we do and overthink and over analyze them.So in today’s episode we will discuss about the stereotype of periods and how it affects each woman when they go through their first periods. Periods happen to everyone and there is nothing to hide about it.This episode is all about Coco and Oreo sharing their personal experience and how it was affected by the taboo and societal expectations. We also talk about how girls and boys react to periods and all the physical and mental changes we go through during periods.If you had your first period recently or will have it soon, just remember that it is okay and you don’t need to be hard on yourself.We love you and hope that we will be more regular from now on. Lots of love.Follow us on-Instagram- @everything.heightenedTwitter- @e_heightenedDiscord- Everything Heightened's serverE-mail- @everything.heightened@gmail.com