Everything Heightened | Episode 6- Overthinking
Hello friends, Coco and Oreo welcome you to join us on our journey to the light and dark segments of our teenage lives, in which we discuss, give advice and talk about the major and minor mess ups we do and overthink and over analyze them.Being teenagers the thing we do most frequently is that we overthink. We try to imagine and map out all possible ways in which things could go wrong or we keep replaying past scenarios in our head. The thing we frogoet is that we are not really in control of everything, we are not suppose to be.Sometimes, we should just let life surprise us and focus on the little things and go with out instincts. These moments are never going to return and overthinking will not help you in any way.This episode is all about how we talk about overthinking about overthinking and share our own stories with you. We both talk and convince you all and each other to try and look at things as they are so that we all can live this life to the fullest and maybe build a lot of new relationships we are missing out on because of this.Always remember that there is beauty in surprise and when things go south you should tell yourself that you are never meant to be in control anyway.We love you and hope you will enjoy this episode as much as we enjoyed recording it.Lots of love,Follow us on-Instagram- @everything.heightenedTwitter- @e_heightenedDiscord- Everything Heightened's serverE-mail- @everything.heightened@gmail.com