EP:02 - "Rishte Ka Gawah" narrated by Rakesh Kumar Tripathi and written by Dr. Anuj Prabhat
Rakesh Kumar Tripathi narrates this story penned by Dr. Anuj Prabhat, who is a well known story, novel writer and poet. Dr. Anuj Prabhat has many publications under his credit. This story 'Rishte Ka Gawah' was first published in a collection of stories titled, "NEEL PAKHI". Dr. Anuj Prabhat has gracefully granted his consent to podcast this episode. Summary: A story of true friendship among two unequal individuals and their sacrifice amidst communal - social - economical differences. This episode is designed and directed by Rakesh Kumar Tripathi. Contact: rksh.tripathi@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/rksh.tripathi https://rakeshkumartripathi.hubhopper.com/ https://rakeshandrakesh.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html