Ep 20: The Future belongs to the Fast
This norm—that the future belongs to the fast—feels as old as time itself. Aesop articulated it with the fable of the hare and the tortoise. Pioneers throughout time became rulers by being the first to get somewhere, or to conquer new lands. In business, we’ve had the idea of the first-mover advantage for a long time. And in a frenzied, VC-fueled new economy, it definitely feels like you’re a loser if you’re not the first out of the blocks.Undoubtedly, social, economic, political, cultural laws shape us. Isn’t that why fast does seem to be winning, and defining the future? Look all around us. That’s what we seem to celebrate. The fastest to become a billionaire, a unicorn to market etc etc.The Annual Special episode, highlighted the juxtaposition of fast and slow, and how the pandemic made us involuntarily choose slow by putting life on pause. Narayan Devanathan & Anisha Motwani explore whether now’s a good time to examine if that was just a blip accentuated by the pandemic or a norm ripe to be stormed. And to do that, we have perhaps the best spokesperson for Slow in the country today. Neelesh Misra is an award-winning journalist and entrepreneur. He’s famously popular and popularly famous for his radio stories on Yaadon ka Idiot Box. And his newest baby is the Slow Movement, an amalgamation of three verticals, Slow content, Slow food and Slow experiences.Followed by five practical hacks from Anisha Motwani on how to succeed fast with a slow pace.For GT Insights, Pallavi Joshi Bakhru shares the key guidelines to build a framework for companies that are on their good to great journey and in believe in business with purpose.