Storm the Norm 15: Traditional media businesses & their traditional revenue models are doomed

The irony of this norm is that it’s staring at us, but that change seems to be so long in coming, when the norm has been actually crying out to be stormed!!The traditional media industry may not acknowledge it, but as Einstein once said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity…and not in a good way.The problem with this industry is that they have allowed themselves to be defined by the medium and not the purpose. They’re called the media business, not the journalism business or news & analysis, or reportage. When you pigeonhole yourself like that, then you’ll tend to be defined—both from inside and externally—by whatever the fashionable technology is these days. For centuries, print was it, then along came audio-visual media such as radio and television, and now we have the 21st century’s posterchild, digital.But media—any of these—are just that. They’re just the technological platforms, they’re not the product. And when you let yourself be defined by a medium, then of course your revenue models are going to be constrained by that myopic thinking.So can this norm be stormed? Well, to take a crack at it, we roped in Mr. Anurag Batra, Chairman, and Editor-in-Chief of BW Businessworld. Anurag is a media mogul, serial entrepreneur, journalist, and an eternal optimist. Given his multi-faceted set of experiences, we figured we couldn’t have gotten a better expert to storm this norm.#Media #Business #IndianMedia

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