4.18 Tara & Michelle: Books Vs. Movies - The Ultimate Adaptation Debate

Find out where they stand on this ongoing debate that has haunted bookworms and storytellers for years!Tara and Michelle name their most and least favourite adaptations and dive into their preferred genres and formats. Michelle thinks literary fiction can definitely lead to fantastic adaptations! Tara likes to lose herself in historical stories. What makes an adaptation good or bad? How do stories change in written vs audio vs video formats? How can writers try out all of them? Tune in to find out!This episode has been recorded in person. See the video version on YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/M8j9r0e5OKATara Khandelwal is an editor and the founder of Bound. Michelle D’costa’s poetry and prose has been published in over 50 literary journals. 'Books and Beyond with Bound' is the podcast where Tara Khandelwal and Michelle D'costa of Bound talk to some of the best writers in India and find out what makes them tick. Follow us @boundindia on all social media. 

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