Author's Cafe Ft. Ms. Chitra Padmana
This show is based on conversation of Rj Shivam with Miss Chitra PadmanaHost : Rj Shivam Guest: Miss Chitra Padmana Studio: Radio Vrishti Production : Vrishti Media Pvt. Ltd About the guest : Chitra Padmana is the author of bestselling books ‘Slaying The Blues’, the award winning novel 'Linger, When You're Gone' as well as co-author of several anthologies. She’s a scientist, a trained classical dancer, and has won over forty awards at the state and national level for her varied literary activities such as writing and directing plays, storytelling, essay writing and debatesTwo gold medals, five research fellowships and thirteen acclaimed research publications later, she continues to write whenever opportunities present themselves.Recently, she was featured by reputed online magazines, platforms and communities like The Indian Periodical, Women's Web, WriteFluence and the New Indian Authors Club. She has started an initiative called 'Hues and Quills' that aims to unite art and writing for the benefit of the society. Her vision is to donate profits from the sale of all books under this initiative to organizations working towards mental health, upliftment of the marginalized sections and women's health issues. To listen to us 24*7 live Download our app or visit our webplayer.For more information, please visit to our social media pages @radiovrishti or write to us at If you are an author and wish to get featured in this show, write to us at teamvrishti@radiovrishti.comThanks and regards, Team Vrishti