Author's Cafe Ft. Ms Suman Rao
This show is based on conversation of Rj Shivam with Suman RaoHost : Rj Shivam Guest: Suman Rao Studio: Radio Vrishti Production : Vrishti Media Pvt. Ltd About the guest: Bio - Suman Rao is a homemaker/writer. She has written two books, a sci-fi romance novel "Invincible" and an urban fantasy novella called "Second Chance". She enjoys reading a lot and I like all types of genres. She was 19 years old when she decided to become a writer and it has been 10 years so far. She has recently started blogging about her writing journey and everything She learned in the process. She is also trying to finish the second book in my "Invincible series".To listen to us 24*7 live Download our app or visit our webplayer.For more information, please visit to our social media pages @radiovrishti or write to us at If you are an author and wish to get featured in this show, write to us at teamvrishti@radiovrishti.comThanks and regards, Team Vrishti