45: From Part-Time Personal Assistant to President
It’s one thing for the CEO to clockwork themselves out of the business to take a 4 week vacation, but how about team members? Is it possible for them to take a 4 week vacation? Adrienne interviewed Mike Michalowicz on a previous episode and he mentioned Kelsey as an integral part of his team. Listen here. We knew we had to have Kelsey on the podcast! This week Kelsey shares how she went from a part-time personal assistant on Mike’s team to now being president of his company. She shares how she clockworked herself out of her position, allowing her to take 8 weeks off in 2019. She shares: -How she prepared the team for her 8 week vacation and the mindset she needed to step away. -How she used her time while away. -The benefits the team experienced from her being unreachable for 8 weeks. -What she did and didn’t put back on her plate when she returned. -Their next company goal is to clockwork all team members to the place they can take a 4 week vacation and what steps they must take to make it happen. -How task management and role management is a constant cycle. -The biggest growth Kelsey experienced through the process of clockworking herself out. -How Kelsey a Mike balance their roles as a CEO and President/Operations Manager. Kelsey’s best time to other team members who are clockworking: Let go of control. It’s impossible to grow if everything has to go through you. Ready to start handing things off with more trust + confidence? Steal our 4 top tips for efficient communication + delegation to transform your team + maximize your efficiency! Click here to grab the tips!