14: How to Delegate More Successfully to Your Team Members
This week we’re talking all about how to delegate more successfully to your team members. Adrienne talks through the IPO framework and then shares some quick delegation tips to get you started on the right path! The actions that are keeping you safe are also the ones that's keeping you stuck. And you’re effectively maintaining CONTROL at the expense of FREEDOM. It's safe right now to keep everything you're doing on your plate... Keep managing your calendar so no one messes up your schedule. Keep people out of your inbox so that you can respond the way you want. Keep doing the client-work yourself so that no one makes a mistake. Keeping these things on your plate, don't move you towards a different future, they keep you where you are...which is fine if you're fine to stay there, just make that choice consciously + intentionally if so. Here's some quick tips on how to start handing things over to team members with a little more trust + confidence...even if you're a control freak. Start with the right tasks! → low-stakes → simple → easy to capture You don't want to start handing over things to team members that are what we call 'high-stakes'. A much better approach is to hand over things that are lower stakes tasks, responsibilities, + decisions. Start with things that are easier for you to capture + hand over, things that are simple. Delegate properly using the IPO approach! → Information (what information do they need to accomplish this) → Permission (hand over permission to make decisions) → Outcome (what is the outcome / success criteria you're looking to achieve) Delegating will be less risky if you tell them where they’re actually going + what success looks like, give them permission to be autonomous + give them the resources they need to get there. Have them submit an EOD stand-up! → what did you do today? → what obstacles / concerns did you run up against? → do you need my help with anything? → what will you be focused on tomorrow? At the end of the day, especially during the training/onboarding period, have them submit a daily stand-up to give you information about what's going on, where they're struggling or need more information to effectively do the job, open the line of communication in case they need help, and help them get better at priority-setting by asking them to get clear on next-day focus. You don't need to ask them for this -- communicate this once at the beginning of the working relationship + have them send you the responses daily. Adjust your expectations! → YOU have to be part of the process if you want them to be successful in their role. → you can hire the best people, but you'll always be disappointed if you never take the time to share about YOUR business + needs. → baby step it every day and you’ll get where you want to be — DON'T TAKE IT BACK ON YOURSELF, take the time to improve the process + relationship! Do this + not only will you trust people more to take over some of the DOING that's falling on your plate, but you'll end up with a WHOLE LOT MORE free time as well. HAPPY DELEGATING! Connect with me over on instagram and let me know how your delegation went this week @adriennedorison, @rlclockwork! Pop over here to grab our free Clockwork quickstart guide + other free resources that will help you as you start clockworking your business: runlikeclockwork.com/kit Subscribe, rate + review this podcast so that more entrepreneurs can benefit from the power of clockworking their business!