#173 How to be an Effective Coach with David and Keith Mayer
This week on the Way of Champions Podcast, we welcome David and Keith Mayer, authors of the book Gold Dust: How to Become A More Effective Coach, Quickly: How to become a better communicator. We discuss intentionally evolving as a coach, writing a book with a family member, and why good coaches are great teachers. You can follow David and Keith on Twitter and be sure to check out their Podcast "Gold Dust” or their website golddustmentoring.com. As two ex-soccer players who represented professional clubs, David and Keith both followed similar paths in their playing careers. They both played in England, and David played in Spain. Both David and Keith had relatively successful college careers in America. David was a two-year captain at a #1 ranked Division 1 school, while Keith captained a winning National Championship team and was named MVP in 1982. They both suffered very similar injuries throughout their careers, both retiring at young ages. After retiring from playing, both David and Keith started coaching. Keith became one of the youngest UEFA A License coaches in England at the time, passing in 1985. Keith was mentored by and was a close friend of one of the greatest coach educators of all time, Dick Bate, who sadly passed away in 2018. Keith worked alongside Dick, presenting on Pro License courses, among other things. Highlights from the Podcast: David and Keith discuss what it was like to end their career as an athlete How do you intentionally evolve as a coach? Why do some coaches decide they do not need coach development? Keith shares the story of writing the book with his son The Broiler Room and The Lone Wolf, stories from Gold Dust Good Coaches are Great teachers Silence between the notes where you can gather the most effective moments in coaching Resources Mentioned Gold Dust: How to Become A More Effective Coach, Quickly: How to become a better communicator Every Moment Matters: How the World's Best Coaches Inspire Their Athletes and Build Championship Teams Coach to Coach: An Empowering Story About How to Be a Great Leader #172 How to Be a Great Sports parent and a Better Coach with Seth Taylor and Skye Eddy Bruce #157 How to be a Great Coach with Martin Rooney, author and NFL, MMA and Special Forces Trainer The Gold Dust Podcast Help Support the Podcast! Become a Podcast Champion! …and get FREE access to ALL of our online courses. If you love the podcast, we would love for you to become a Podcast Champion, (https://www.patreon.com/wayofchampions) for as little as a cup of coffee per month (OK, its a Venti Mocha), to help us up the ante and provide even better interviews, better sound, and an overall enhanced experience. Plus, as a $10 per month Podcast Super-Champion, you will have access to never before released and bonus material, including: Downloadable transcripts of the podcasts, so you don't have to crash your car trying to take notes! A monthly discussion with John, James, Jerry, and other special guests talking about the previous month's episodes and answering some of the FAQs we received that month A code to get free access to our online course called "Coaching Mastery," usually a $97 course, but yours for free for becoming a patron. Access to an online community of coaches like you who are dedicated listeners of the podcast, and will be able to answer your questions and share their coaching experiences. Thank you for all your support these past two years, and a special big thank you to all of you who become part of our inner circle, our patrons, who will enable us to take our podcast to the next level. https://www.patreon.com/wayofchampions