#168 Dr Neeru Jayanthi: Overuse Injuries, Specialization and the importance of Providing a Healthy Youth Sports Experience
This week on the Way of Champions Podcast, we welcome Dr Neeru Jayanthi, Emory Sports Medicine a Tennis Medicine physician specializing in research on safety and risks of young athletes. You may recognize his name. We have mentioned him in blogs and podcasts, and his work is cited all over the youth sports world. We discuss how his young athlete patients are feeling much better since being able to take a long break from sports, why “multi-movement” is important to a child’s physical development, and how we can keep our kids healthy. You can find him on Twitter @neerujayanthi or email him at neerujayanthi@gmail.com Highlights from the Podcast: Why are kids healing faster now than before? Are there some kids that should play a single sport all year long? What is the difference between multi-sport and multi-movement? How important is specialized sampling in a young athletes life? Every child is build differently, play accordingly How does physical load level effect a child’s injury rate? Why are the quality of life ratings lower for college athletes than non-college athletes? The pandemic has shown many kids the importance of an “off-season" What does a positive physical literacy youth sports group look like? John makes a prediction about what kids will look like when we return to sports (#grothspurt) Resources Mentioned Pickup Sports Youtube Channel www.pickupsports.co www.pickupsportsfoundation.com www.tennismedicine.org Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, by David Epstein Help Support the Podcast! Become a Podcast Champion! …and get FREE access to ALL of our online courses. If you love the podcast, we would love for you to become a Podcast Champion, (https://www.patreon.com/wayofchampions) for as little as a cup of coffee per month (OK, its a Venti Mocha), to help us up the ante and provide even better interviews, better sound, and an overall enhanced experience. Plus, as a $10 per month Podcast Super-Champion, you will have access to never before released and bonus material, including: Downloadable transcripts of the podcasts, so you don't have to crash your car trying to take notes! A monthly discussion with John, James, Jerry, and other special guests talking about the previous month's episodes and answering some of the FAQs we received that month A code to get free access to our online course called "Coaching Mastery," usually a $97 course, but yours for free for becoming a patron. Access to an online community of coaches like you who are dedicated listeners of the podcast, and will be able to answer your questions and share their coaching experiences. Thank you for all your support these past two years, and a special big thank you to all of you who become part of our inner circle, our patrons, who will enable us to take our podcast to the next level. https://www.patreon.com/wayofchampions