#161 The Influence of Sleep on Performance with Dr. Meeta Singh
This week on the Way of Champions Podcast we welcome Dr. Meeta Singh, a sleep medicine doctor from the Henry Ford Sleep Disorder Center. Dr. Singh specializes in a variety of Sleep Disorders with a focus in Insomnia, Obstructive and Central Sleep Apnea, and Sports Medicine. Sleep is perhaps the most important component to peak performance, yet many organizations to not prioritize a solid night’s rest. We dive into all-things-sleep, including why sleep matters for elite performance, how much sleep does a child need, and why professional sports teams are just now paying attention to the importance of sleep. You can follow Dr. Meeta Singh on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Highlights from the Podcast: What got Dr. Singh get into studying sleep? Why does sleep matter, especially for athletes? How does being sleep deprived effect the rate of injury in athletes? What is the difference between REM and non-REM sleep? How does a student-athlete benefit from sleeping longer? Does being sleep-deprived have the same negative benefits of being intoxicated with alcohol? How much sleep does a child need at different ages? Why do teenagers tend to be “night-owls”? How do screens effect our ability to get good sleep? What are some sleep aides that we can use with athletes? Why has it taken so long for professional sports to take sleep seriously? How much do genetics play a role in not getting enough sleep for a professional athlete? What does a team’s time zone have to do with performance? When does Peak Atheltic Performance happen? What is a good plan to combat jet lag? What is a good sleep ritual? Help Support the Podcast! Become a Podcast Champion! …and get FREE access to ALL of our online courses. If you love the podcast, we would love for you to become a Podcast Champion, (https://www.patreon.com/wayofchampions) for as little as a cup of coffee per month (OK, its a Venti Mocha), to help us up the ante and provide even better interviews, better sound, and an overall enhanced experience. Plus, as a $10 per month Podcast Super-Champion, you will have access to never before released and bonus material, including: Downloadable transcripts of the podcasts, so you don't have to crash your car trying to take notes! A monthly discussion with John, James, Jerry, and other special guests talking about the previous month's episodes and answering some of the FAQs we received that month A code to get free access to our online course called "Coaching Mastery," usually a $97 course, but yours for free for becoming a patron. Access to an online community of coaches like you who are dedicated listeners of the podcast, and will be able to answer your questions and share their coaching experiences. Thank you for all your support these past two years, and a special big thank you to all of you who become part of our inner circle, our patrons, who will enable us to take our podcast to the next level. https://www.patreon.com/wayofchampions