#138 Is Sport Essentially Good, or is That Wishful Thinking? A Conversation with Sports Sociologist Jay Coakley
iTunes - Spotify - Stitcher This week on the Way of Champions Podcast, John talks with Sport Sociologist Jay Coakley, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. The conversation is full of great topics, including why we should punish our kids with conditioning, the three models of youth sports, and the emergence of alternative sports. Highlights from the Discussion: Youth development over highly structured practices mimicking professional organizations Setting expectations for kids without helping them understand the value of reaching those expectations Why we shouldn't punish our kids with conditioning Jay discusses the 13th edition of his textbook "Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies" The three models of youth sports: Skills and Excellence; Physical Literacy and Lifelong Participation; a Growth and Development. Is sport fundamentally positive? Do sports really teach character? What is missing from coach education? What happens when athletes are sponsored by parents instead of the community? When 30-40% of families in any given community cannot afford for their kids to play sports, how does that affect everyone? The emergence of alternative sports Jay Coakley, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, has for 45 years done research on connections between sports, culture, and society with much attention given to the play, games, and sports participation of young people. Coakley is an internationally respected scholar, author, and journal editor and has received many professional awards. His book, Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies, soon to be in its 13th edition, has been translated into 4 languages and adapted for readers in Canada, the UK a Europe, Australia a New Zealand, and Southern Africa. He continues efforts to make sports more humane, inclusive, and democratic and for people of all ages and backgrounds. Resources Mentioned: Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies by Jay Coakley Moving Boarders: Skateboarding and the Changing Landscape of Urban Youth Sports by Matthew Atencio 69 Why more Physical Education and recess are the keys to better students in schools, with Paul Zientarski, TED Speaker and 40-year veteran Physical Education teacher (WOC Podcast) Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World with David Epstein, NYT bestselling author of Range and The Sports Gene (WOC podcast) Range by David Epstein Recent Publications Coakley, J. (2015). Drug use and deviant overconformity in sport: A sociological approach. In John Hoberman, Ivan Waddington a Verner Møller, eds., The Routledge Companion to Sport and Drugs. London: Routledge. Coakley, J. a de Souza, D. (2013). Sport mega-events: Can legacies and development be equitable and sustainable? Motriz, Rio Claro 19(3): 580-589. Coakley, J. (2012). Ideology doesn’t just happen: Sports and neoliberalism.” ALESDE Revista 1(1): 67-84. Open access online, http://ojs.c3sl.ufpr.br/ojs2/index.php/alesde/issue/archive. Connect with Jay Coakley Website: https://www.uccs.edu/ccss/coakley Twitter: https://twitter.com/siscoakley Support the Podcast! Become a Podcast Champion! …and get FREE access to ALL of our online courses. We are now offering you the ability to contribute as a Podcast Champion, (https://www.patreon.com/wayofchampions) for as little as a cup of coffee per month (OK its a Venti Mocha), to help us up the ante and provide even better interviews, better sound, and an overall enhanced experience. Plus, as a $10 per month Podcast Super-Champion, you will have access to never before released and bonus material, including: Downloadable transcripts of the podcasts, so you don't have to crash your car trying to take notes! A monthly discussion with John, James, Jerry, and other special guests talking about the previous month's episodes and answering some of the FAQs we received that month A code to get free access to our online course called "Coaching Mastery," usually a $97 course, but yours for free for becoming a patron. Access to an online community of coaches like you who are dedicated listeners of the podcast, and will be able to answer your questions and share their coaching experiences. Thank you for all your support these past two years, and a special big thank you to all of you who become part of our inner circle, our patrons, who will enable us to take our podcast to the next level. https://www.patreon.com/wayofchampions