#100 “Every Child is One Relationship Away from a Successful Life:” A Lesson on Transformational Coaching from Joe Ehrmann and Jody Redman of the InSideOut Initiative
This podcast would not exist, the Changing the Game Project would not exist, if it were not for Joe Ehrmann. Many years ago, I read his incredible book InSideOut Coaching, and it changed my life forever. It validated for me that there was more to coaching than Xs and Os, and that I wanted to be a “transformational coach, and not a transactional one.” Thus, to celebrate our 100th episode of The Way of Champions Podcast, we bring you Joe Ehrmann and Jody Redman, founders of The InSideOut Initiative, a collaboration with the NFL whose goal is to “inspire and catalyze communities to transform their sports culture.” This episode is everything I hoped it would be, as the wisdom Joe and Jody share is incredible. Some highlights include: 8 mins: the four-part system that defines the role of sports in schools 9 mins: the difference between performance character and moral character, and how coaches can teach it 17 mins: to be a better coach, you have to be a better you 24 mins: how sports is not meeting the fundamental needs of student-athletes anymore 28 mins: what are the moral and performance values that define your coaching why 35 mins: how to show every child that you value him or her 43 mins: the four most powerful questions a coach must ask 54 mins: final words of wisdom from Jody and Joe About our guests: Jody Redman is a nationally recognized facilitator and speaker. She is a former collegiate basketball player and has served as a teacher, coach, Athletic Director, Administrator at both the high school and collegiate levels. Jody carries a dual portfolio as Associate Director for the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) and co-founder of the InSideOut Initiative. Jody oversees Minnesota’s education program for 500 member high schools that includes a professional development program, continuing education requirement and ongoing support and outreach. Her leadership skills and passion for education-based-athletics led her to develop an extensive curriculum called WHY WE PLAY, intended to redirect the focus of the win-at-all-costs sports culture. Joe Ehrmann is the critically acclaimed author of InsideOut Coaching: How Sports Can Transform Lives. He was an All American football player, was named to Syracuse University’s All-Century Team, lettered in lacrosse and received the Arents Award, SU’s Most Distinguished Alumni honor for his contributions to society. Joe played professional football for 13 years and was named Baltimore Colt’s Man of the Year. He was the NFL’s first Ed Block Courage Award Recipient, and named “The Most Important Coach in America” by Parade Magazine. The Institute chose him as one of The Most Influential Sports Educators in America for International Sport. Joe also the subject of New York Times Best-Seller, Season of Life: A Football Star, a Boy, A Journey to Manhood. Among many other awards, the Baltimore Business Journal selected him as the Renaissance Person of the Decade for his dedication and commitment to Baltimore City’s betterment. He was the National Fatherhood Initiative’s Man of the Year and the Frederick Douglass National Man of the Year award recipient for empowering youth to prevent rape and other forms of male violence. Connect with Joe and Jody: https://insideoutinitiative.org/ Twitter: @ISOInitiative Twitter: @JoeEhrmann76 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insideoutinitiative If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message!