#89 A Commitment to Changing the Culture of Coaching with Lynn Berling-Manuel, CEO of United Soccer Coaches
To make real change we need those in a position of influence to support and advance the cause. United Soccer Coaches is the largest coaching membership organization in the world and they have recently committed to changing the coaching culture. Listen to this conversation with Lynn Berling-Manuel. Show Notes 4:15 The single biggest change in US Soccer since Lynn started her journey 10:45 Whom do we serve in the game? 23:15 Pay to Play and the professionalization of youth sports 26:45 The development of Commitment to Culture 33:45 When parents and coaches collaborate it is a powerful experience 40:15 Lynn talks about what United Soccer Coaches does 51:00 What USC is doing as a leader in diversity and inclusion Getting in Touch Website: unitedsoccercoaches.org Unitedsoccercoaches.org/culture Twitter: @UnitedCoaches About Lynn Berling-Manuel is the Chief Executive Officer of United Soccer Coaches, which was founded in 1941 and until last year was known as the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA). Berling-Manuel had served as AYSO Chief Marketing Officer for eight years before becoming in May 2015 the CEO of United Soccer Coaches, the world's largest soccer coaches organization. Join us at the Future of Coaching Conference! Future of Coaching Conference Registration Page CHECK OUT OUR ONLINE COURSES: Warriors, Not Winners - Want to create gritty, resilient athletes who succeed beyond the game? Purchase Warriors, Not Winners now! Transformational Coaching - Take your Coaching to the Next Level with Transformational Coaching. Become a Transformational Coach Today – If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message! Hosted by John O'Sullivan. Produced by Coach Reed Maltbie